the simpsons movie is hot topic, sticky and smoochy at the moment. everything (almost) involves around it and why not.
better enjoy now than later cry for more. but who knows – as maggie said.
jul 31 – upgrade 2
totally unexpected but here i go…
– The simpsons movie mini review page is open on the library. fight club results page also added.
– sights page has received photos from my local movie theater with the simpsons movie -theme. also, jouni donated to me his holiday photos from spain.
– linkup now features new 1:1 sites to check. almost 80 sites.
– special page holds movie teasers one two and three.
– scrapbook receives 15 articles for 2006 and 2007 sections.
it has been truly great to found out we are by so many of you. interiors are
still under heavy-upgrade as moment i write this – it means more donuts for you!