Jul 10The Simpsons in ?Vanity Fair?: An Imagined Oral History
Jul 10
Homer reviews ‘The Simpsons Movie’
Jul 10
Final day of voting for Simpsons movie competition
Jul 10
You can have your own DIY “PEOPLE’S PREMIERE” Movie invitation – just go here: (have a black pen handy for filling in the date and time).
Jul 10
Chicago Kwik-E-Mart: Five reasons to visit the Midwest?s only Simpsons-themed 7-Eleven and photo gallery.
Jul 9
The 33 funniest Simpsons cameos ever
Jul 9
Homer Simpson is to star in an animated version of the Channel 4 identity trail that appears between programmes.
Jul 9
Harry Shearer insists the animated show is such a big hit because the company behind it is not allowed to interfere with the scripts.
Jul 8
MG about the Movie: “This is not computerised penguins, this is not a million penguins dancing in unison. We got one penguin and we do something bad to that penguin.”
Jul 8
And here you can watch the videos of The Springfield that are participating the contest to premiere the Simpsons Movie .
Jul 8
Here in Finland Simpsons has been shown without any dubbing on the show. But The Movie is going to be dubbed. Luckily, there’s two versions available to choose which one you like to see… dubbed or original.
Jul 8
A 10-minute clip from The Simpsons Movie, the first time Homer, Marge, their family and friends have made it to the big screen, has been shown in London ahead of its release worldwide later in July.
Jul 8
The Simpson creator Matt Groening has given a cold-shoulder to new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown by insisting that he’ll never have a cameo on the hit animated series.
Jul 8
The Simpsons iconic score was almost never written – after composer Danny Elfman realised the cartoon’s creator Matt Groening once gave his music band a bad review.
Jul 7
When “The Simpsons Movie” opens next month, at least some of the folks flocking to theaters will be looking for spiritual messages among the hilarious exploits of America’s most famous canary-hued family.
Jul 7
MySpace: thesimpsons.
Jul 7
A few months ago, redeyechicago.com held an online tournament to pick the best character on TV. A few of us predicted Homer Simpson would win, but he was knocked out before the finals.
Jul 7
The Simpsons defined the 1990s with its satire and slapstick and is set to reaffirm its relevance on the big screen.
Jul 6
Bart shows fans the unexpected as Simpsons film beats censor with a yellow streak
Jul 6
Science on The Simpsons -blog.
Jul 6
Just like the irreverent Bart and Homer Simpson, 20th Century Fox’s promotional program for “The Simpsons Movie” seems to break all the rules.
Jul 6
The Simpsons Movie: BBC News Interview & Sneak Preview
Jul 4
Madonna could be set for a cameo on cult animated show ?The Simpsons? – if creator Matt Groening gets his way.?We would love her to do the show. She?s one of the people we haven?t been able to get yet.? He also revealed plans for a Prison Break episode in the near future ?with tattoos and everything!?
Jul 2
Over the weekend, 7-Eleven Inc. turned a dozen stores into Kwik-E-Marts, the fictional convenience stores of “The Simpsons” fame, in the latest example of marketers making life imitate art.
Jul 2
Check out Simpsons Movie partners sites:
– http://www.seeyellow.com
– http://www.7-eleven.com
– http://www.jetblue.com
Jul 1
When you go to The Simpsons Shop you can save 10% by typing in the discount code “HOMER”.
Jun 30
Is The Simpsons still subversive?
Jun 28
The website for The Simpsons Movie expanded. It looks like they’re going to add more features closer to the film’s release date (July 27), so stay tuned.
Jun 28
The Hollywood Reporter says Matt Groening showed in Amsterdam recently ten minutes of footage from the upcoming The Simpsons: Movie, and included in that ten minutes was a shot of cartoon genitalia.
Jun 27
Yet, another new Movie poster.
Jun 27
The soundtrack to The Simpsons Movie will be hitting stores on July 24th, 2007 with a special Limited Edition of the album being released a week later.
Jun 26
Matt Groening gives Simpsons Movie Secrets (youtube).
Jun 26
30 days until opening day of The Movie.
Jun 26
Burger King will promote (as usual) the Simpsons Movie here (404 at the moment).
Jun 26
New Squishee cup from 7-Eleven.
Jun 23
Official The Simpsons Movie site has been launched today. Take a tour and get pleasently surprised of colors and smoothess. Best official site yet!
Jun 23
New Leftorium opens!
Jun 23
Do you or someone you know look like a Simpsons character? Submit a photo and let the public decide!
Jun 22
The final trailer for this summer?s much anticipated The Simpsons Movie has arrived.
Jun 21
Simpsons contest heats up. Web vote will pick winning Springfield for the Simpsons Moviw premiere town.
Jun 21
Book review of Greetings from The Simpsons.
Jun 21
Two college students believed to be over-exuberant fans of “The Simpsons” stole a life-sized figurine of Homer Simpson from a cinema, but police tracked them down and forced them to return it Thursday.
Jun 20
The new Simpsons Movie poster is here.
Jun 19
The effort to win the national competition to host the debut of “The Simpsons” movie got the blessing of the Springfield Select Board on Monday.
Jun 19
The Simpsons Movie Soundtrack. Artwork and track listing is here.
Jun 19
New Simpsons Channel.
Jun 16
oh, and i didn’t even noticed until now… Shannon put a new text on his frontpage.
Jun 16
Simpsons fan Glyn Stott is filled with the spirit of Springfield ? and hopes to get an invite to the UK premiere of the film, to be released next month. Mr Stott has been hooked on The Simpsons since they hit British screens in 1990, and now owns £30,000 worth of merchandise.
Jun 16
Brave New World Comics on Lyons Avenue will host at least six major players in the development of “The Simpsons” to hold workshops on how to sketch characters and to sign “The Simpsons Handbook,” a new hardcover drawing reference released by Bongo Comics on Wednesday.
Jun 16
Bart may eventually turn 11. Says Dan Gould: “I would not be surprised. That would be a great final moment for the final episode. At some point, the Earth is going to end or the show is going to end. Physics imply there will be an end to the show. But there’s nothing in sight I can tell you of. Everything is going swimmingly.”
Jun 15
Simpsons writer Dana Gould appears in Denver. He visits Good Day Colorado, Performs at Comedy Works.
Jun 13
Organizers are hoping that a cast of thousands will appear Sunday at Court Square to take part in the grand finale of a video that could catapult Springfield as the “reel” home of “The Simpsons” television show.
Jun 10
The Cutest baby version X is here.
Jun 9
Just a note: The Simpsons Movie will be rated PG-13 For irreverent humor throughout.
Jun 9
When Playboy asked Matt Groening if he was surprised at how devotees of The Simpsons know more about the show than he does, he replied that ?the most vocal fans? reside at NoHomers.net, whose members ?act like spurned lovers if they don?t like something.? More about it here.
Jun 7
49 days left for the opening day of The Simpsons Movie.
Jun 4
The first series of Simpsons action figures has been released. And no, that’s not a typo. The Simpsons toys that came out last year did not constitute the first action figure assortment. Check the pics here.
Jun 2
The Simpsons Zip’z Choice 07 is in progress. Go vote like now your favs!
May 30
You may think there’s nothing going on in this simp-community. You’re wrong. Take a look at recent updates at:
– http://kampkrusty.net
– http://dancing-homer.com
– http://www.rubbercat.net/simpsons/
– http://krustylustudios.com/left
– http://krustofski.com/bongo
May 30
Watch the video of EW’s movie experts at the workplace for a spirited summer movies chat.
May 30
Possible soundtrack info
May 30
The Simpsons Boss: ‘Movie Had To Wait To Be Good’
May 30
Sixteen U.S. cities named Springfield have agreed to participate in a nationwide contest sponsored by “The Simpsons Movie,” supposedly to select the state where the long-running animated show and the movie are set.
May 27
60 days left for the opening day of The Simpsons Movie.
May 27
Green Day punks up The Simpsons Movie theme song
May 25
Dan Castellaneta has learned a lesson from Homer Simpson after doing his voice for the past 18 years. “There’s a lot of leeway given for bad behavior,” Castellaneta says as he reflects on “The Simpsons’ ” 400th episode, which aired Sunday.
May 25
Creepy Simpsons real-life lookalikes video
May 25
Nancy Cartwright chats with Simpsons writer/consulting producer Carolyn Omine
in her bi-monthly column.
May 25
According to NMC, Simpsons Movie sountdrack has been revealed.
May 19
Celebrate the history making 400th episode and season finale this Sunday at 8/7c! First, 24’s Kiefer Sutherland (“Jack Bauer”) and
Mary Lynn Rajskub (“Chloe O’Brian”) guest star when Principal Skinner forms a CTU of his own in “24 Minutes.” Then, guest star Ludacris joins “You Kent Always Say What You Want,” the 400th Simpsons episode!
May 17
Official Simpsons site has been redesigned. New look is dramatic change to its previous and i feel it pretty good change.
May 17
May 15
Matt Groening upset his dad when he made cartoon mum Marge carry a deflated tyre miles in an episode of the hit series.
May 14
The Simpsons Movie Xbox 360 is here.
May 11
Green Day Confirmed For Simpsons Movie
May 9
This Sunday, The Simpsons hits yet another milestone ? it?s 400th episode comprising two half-hour episodes (including a 24 parody featuring the voices of Kiefer Sutherland and Mary Lynn Rajskub. So not only is it the longest running animated series on television, it also managed to reach an unheard of episode number without being a reality series, a game show or a soap opera.
May 8
Season 10 Date, Specs and Extras!
May 8
MG has issued a warning for celebrities who turn down parts on the show – they risk being ridiculed in future episodes.
May 7
EA have uploaded a mysterious teaser site consisting of nothing but a Simpsons-meets-GTA-esque countdown.
May 3
The Simpsons Ride: The Krustiest Place On Earth
Apr 30
Newsweek reports that the forthcoming Simpsons movie features full-frontal nudity. According to America’s second-most-credible news magazine, “little Bart flashes his little part to the entire world” while skateboarding on a dare from dad Homer.
Apr 30
Boys of Bummer.mp3
Apr 28
The Springfield Connection is once again back on the net with new look.
Apr 27
The Simpsons Movie Trailer is 70% fake. Oh really… isn’t trailers le-fake-a-rama all the time, anyway.
Apr 26
Simon Cowell met his match when the Simpsons panned his attempt at singing The Pussycat Dolls? hit Don?t Cha in a special TV charity show.
Apr 26
NBC-Universal’s theme parks are planning a ride based on 20th Century Fox’s animated smash “The Simpsons.”
Apr 23
The Simpsons Animation Cel Information Station has been given a new look. Go and enjoy the world of Simpsons cels.
Apr 23
Inside ‘The Simpsons Movie’. Nope, it’s not a cruel joke — ew got producers Matt Groening and James L. Brooks to give them the scoop. Go ahead and have a cow, man.
Apr 21
As The Simpsons hits a milestone, Executive Producer Al Jean talks about America’s favorite nuclear family
Apr 19
And today The Simpsons are 20 years old. The animated TV comedy made its debut as a short insert on The Tracey Ullman Show on April 19, 1987, and hasn’t looked back since.
Apr 17
What’s the Simpsons movie about?
Apr 17
The Simpsons are celebrating their 20th anniversary this week at UK.
Apr 16
See the timeline process of new Last Exit to Springfield here. It took almost a full year to “just a redesign” a site. Massive changes and re-tooling. Wanna try it out something similar? 😉
Apr 14
New Last Exit to Springfield is online. Pretty as always!
Apr 13
Special Report: Stalking The Simpsons
Apr 11
Fox looks set to deliver content for its popular animation The Simpsons on mobile to coincide with the release of The Simpsons Movie this summer.
Apr 9
Up for sale is an original The Simpsons Pinball Full Color T-Shirt. This is an original Data East item and were distributed when the pinball was released. Cool!
Apr 9
McFarlane Toys’ deal brings ‘Simpsons’ movie characters to life
Apr 6
Just came from the movie theater where i saw The Simpsons Movie trailer in 145 m2 screen. Imo, very good trailer. Sort of mix of everything 4 we seen so far on the net. 18 years in the making… heh!
Apr 6
Impressions video featuring many Simpsons and South Park characters.
Apr 6
Plot for Marge Gamer episode: Marge gets on the Internet and joins an online role- playing game that includes pretty much everybody in Springfield, including the game’s best player – Bart; Homer volunteers to be the referee at Lisa’s soccer game.
Apr 6
For more than 17 years, Mike Reiss has worked his magic as a member of The Simpsons writing team, and he shared his experiences last night at the University of Rhode Island.
Apr 6
The Simpsons Movie images
Apr 4
RegisterGuard wants your nominations of Springfield residents who remind you of Bart, Homer and other main characters (maybe even Comic Book Guy?) for a future Oregon Life story.
Apr 1
No, this aint joke – this is an very small update. Today, went to a small walk in to our local town and noticed that our movie theater is supporting The Simpsons Movie allready. Took acouple of pics which you can see here and here.
Mar 28
Upcoming Episodes titles: JABF10 – Marge Gamer.
Mar 27
Several of the chain’s stores in talks to participate in Simpsons movie promotion.
Though the deal hasn?t officially closed, it looks like 7-Eleven may be acquired by Kwik-E-Mart?sorta.
Mar 27
A number of retail lists seem to suggest a new Simpsons video game could be coming in the not too distant future.
Mar 25
Upcoming episode: 3/25 – Homerazzi (JABF06): Homer becomes a celebrity photographer after he snaps a scandalous
photo in an attempt to recreate the photos destroyed when the safe Marge bought to keep her family album from burning in yet another Simpson house fire exploded.
Mar 25
The Simpsons Movie is only finally happening now, said Al Jean, because the technology is finally available to make the movie the producers had hoped to make. “Digital animation, digital editing, the technology is much better than it was 10 years ago,” Jean said. “We couldn’t do it until recently.” Right.
Mar 21
Fourth Simpsons Movie trailer is here.
Mar 21
Nancy Cartwright (voice of Bart) chats with Simpsons producer Mike Scully.
Mar 20
The Simpsons: Not So Fair And Balanced About Fox News
Mar 20
Family Guy vs. The Simpsons
Mar 20
Is Homer a Missourian or an Illinoisan?
Mar 18
Jon Bon Jovi had an episode written for him to guest star, but backed out once he read it. Apparently, the writers had his character covered with melted cheese at one point and insult Richie Sambora at another point in the script.
Mar 16
And it’s just keep getting better… LETS is celebrating its 10th birthday. Check the special edition out!
Mar 16
Springfield Springfield redesigns. What a week so far on this community. Keep the spirit alive, guys!
Mar 16
The Sprinfield Files redesigns.
Mar 15
Sam Simon interview at 60 Minutes
Mar 15
The Fireside Room in Monarch Hall was transformed into Springfield last Friday as the Media Arts Student Committee and the Institute for Developing Entertainment Arts & Studies (IDEAS) presented Valley College students with “An Evening with ‘The Simpsons.'”
Mar 14
New When Bongo’s Collide -website is open for business.
Mar 12
New Last Exit to Springfield (website) is scheduled to be launched in the end of the month or sooner (upcoming saturday).
Mar 12
16 Springfields compete for Homer Simpson’s film premiere
Mar 11
Here’s a 51 second clip of The Simpsons Movie shown on American Idol. Worth a look!
Mar 10
JABF08 Promo – “Rome-Old and Julie-eh”
Mar 10
Mexican voice-over actors who have dubbed “The Simpsons” TV series into Spanish for 15 years are threatening to boycott the cartoon’s upcoming movie if they are not hired to dub it.
Mar 9
Springfield, Ore., that is – could be the place where Bart, Homer and the rest of the cartoon Simpsons family make their big screen debut this summer.
Mar 7
NME.COM users responded in their droves yesterday after they challenged you to spot Green Day’s appearance in the trailer for ‘The Simpsons Movie’.
Mar 6
Sex in The Simpsons turns viewers off
Mar 3
When you analyze the Simpsons Movie -psoter itself you start to wonder how big in role the donuts in the movie are? And you ask yourself – is a film all about donuts?
Mar 3
Get yourself Simpsons Movie poster (ebay). Only 5 hours left at writing this message.
Mar 3
The Simpsons Movie card holder
Mar 3
Is it true Groening has nothing to do with ?The Simpsons? anymore?
MG: The idea that I was not involved with the show or less involved with the show is simply not true. I’ve always been involved with the show. ?
Mar 2
Listen Tim Goodman’s interview with Joel Cohen at here.
Feb 27
No other television series in entertainment history has equalled The Simpson’s ability to mine an apparently endless vein of congenial satire that exists outside fashion or time.
Feb 27
Crave talks to Matt Groening about the Simpsons and Futurama
Feb 26
The creators of The Simpson Movie will keep everyone guessing about the film’s plot right up until the last minute, says one its writers
Feb 24
On Monday Tim Goodman is interviewing Joel Cohen, co-executive producer and writer on “The Simpsons” for the next TV Talk Machine podcast. If you have questions you’d like me to ask him, send me an e-mail at with “TV Talk Machine” in the subject field.
Feb 23
The Simpsons: ”Springfield Up” Review
Declan Desmond documents famous Springfielders.
Feb 23
If you’re into latest episodes of The Simpsons – you might be interest of Foxcast which presents latest episodes as spoken. Take a ear at here!
Feb 23
Green Day in The Simpsons Movie. To be specific, we saw Green Day on what appears to be a sinking ship.
Feb 21
Krustyly Studios (fan website) is closing.
Feb 19
How long does it take to have an website titled next to newest episode “Springfield Up”? Let’s count. 6 years ago it took approximately 2 hours. Today…?
Feb 19
Brand new Simpsons Movie -trailer is online.
Feb 18
Finally someone is speaking aloud about this: Fancy DVD sets are fun, but they don’t easily fit standard storage space
Feb 18
To celebrate the upcoming Simpsons flick, Sunday Herald got in their hands an exclusive wallpaper, which is free to download.
Feb 17
The Simpsons Zip is celebrating its (almost) first year on the net by launching a “reality tv”. Take a look.
Feb 17
Google’s YouTube and a company called Live Digital have complied with subpoenas to turn over the identities of their users who illegally uploaded episodes of Fox series 24 and The Simpsons.
Feb 16
Looks like there’s lots of going on in this community right now:
– http://www.mtsplashmore.com/
– http://www.dancing-homer.com/
– http://www.keytospringfield.com/
– http://krustylustudios.com/
– http://krustofski.com/bongo/
(for starters)
Feb 15
Happy 53 Matt Groening! Call me.
Feb 15
Looking for Simpsons love? Find your perfect match from among Springfield’s singles!
Feb 13
The Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW) and the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) have announced winners for outstanding achievement in television and radio writing during the 2006 season. In the Animation category, John Frink won for “The Italian Bob” episode of The Simpsons, which was nominated for three other episodes.
Feb 11
That’s Unpossible – one and only Ralph Wiggum website redesigns and goes in sleep-mode.
Feb 10
The Simpsons Season 6 Deleted Scenes
Feb 10
Teasers for the Simpsons Movie teaser, followed by the teaser can be viewed at here
Feb 9
Excactly 10 years ago today, in 1997, The Simpsons became the longest-running prime-time animated series, beating the record previously held by The Flintstones.
Feb 8
aranjuez guitar quartet – simpsons theme
Feb 4
The Simpsons Home is back on the net.
Feb 3
Matt Groening talks about Futurama’s comeback
Feb 2
The Simpsons: What’s to Come?
The creators and cast members talk about the movie, the 400th episode, upcoming guest stars, and more.
Feb 1
Ever wonder why you?ve never seen The Simpsons Vitamins? The Simpsons Omega 3 Squirts are now available.
Feb 1
Dan Castellaneta Does Double Duty on the Simpsons Movie
Feb 1
No more “Homer stories” and “Bart stories.” says Matt Groening about the Simpsons Movie.
Jan 31
“We’ve done an amazing thing this year,” said showrunner Al Jean. “The episode we say is the 400th will actually be the 400th.”
Jan 31
Simpsons donut maker makes obesity hilarious
Jan 30
Harry Shearer on David Letterman (video link).
Jan 30
The Simpsons Movie -stand was sold at ebay.
Jan 30
Take a look at Eye on Springfield. Nice amount of information and images.
Jan 29
Simpsons movie images: 1, 2
Jan 26
Leftorium redesigns
Jan 25
Fox has served YouTube with a subpoena demanding it discloses the identity of a user who uploaded copies of entire episodes of 24 and The Simpsons.
Jan 24
So, with the July 27th, 2007 release of The Simpsons Movie inching closer each day, how?s the hotly anticipated film coming, JLB?
Jan 24
The Futon with The Simpsons co-executive producer Don Payne
Jan 24
The Simpsons go green with latest Euro 4 and 5 Volvo trucks (the pic!)
Jan 24
The Simpsons: Celebrating 400 Episodes March 15, 7 p.m. In Person: Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, Al Jean, Tim Long, Ian Maxtone-Graham, and Matt Selman. Additional panelists to be announced.
Jan 23
The Simpsons Movie makes a rare debut at the Future Film Festival in Bologna
Jan 22
The film’s plot is top secret, but Groening promises that both the animation and the emotional story lines will feature more depth than the series.
Jan 21
Adam Wolf, who maintains the “Simpsons” Web site “Last Exit to Springfield” (www.lardlad.com), doubts the movie can “recapture the magic of the early to mid years.” on a recent interview.
Jan 20
On a whim, Nina Matsumoto drew an anime salute to the Simpsons and it got her a job offer (see Jan 10 update).
Jan 19
The Simpsons Folder was recently declared “Simpsons Fan Site of the Year 2006” by members of NHC message board. Respect to our visitors and supporters!
Jan 15
Funny Simpsons, Mario & Kong clip
Jan 14
The Simpsons won in the Favorite Animated TV Comedy category 33rd People’s Choice Awards.
Jan 13
First high quality promo images of the Simpsons Movie can be seen here! (thanks scott). Also, first promoting t-shirth is available at here.
Jan 13
Blog: South Park Makes The Simpsons Irrelevant (i’ve been personally hearing very positive feedback about SP in recent months)
Jan 13
Yellow but not mellow: Pretty much all we know about ‘The Simpsons Movie’ is: “It’ll be funny” says the producers of the movie.
Jan 11
wiki: nohomers.net
Jan 10
An artist called spacecoyote has crafted a great picture of the Simpsons in an anime style.
Jan 10
Good product pics of upcoming “simpsons phone”.
Jan 9
A comparison video between the pre-air version of the Simpsons and the one that made it to the air, with the latter being censored due to a comment about the Iraq
Jan 9
TSG updates with lots of stuff!
Jan 8
Homer and the most watched ad in history…
Jan 8
Samsung+Simpsons=Movie Phone
Jan 4
Is Yeardley Smith (voice of Lisa) married again?
Jan 3
Finally, i made it! Santa loses in Fight Club (poll) for the drunks at Moe’s! 115-70. New FC open where i’m against Jouni from somewhere i don’t remember…
Jan 2
JABF05 – Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Three Times
JABF12 – Stop or My Dog Will Shoot
Jan 1
Watch Yeardley Smith video interview.
Dec 30
Most important things in the year 2000… er 2006 in Folder’s Eyes
(yes, in particular order):
1. The Simpsons Movie -news
2. Simpsons Zip -website
3. Live actors Simpsons video
4. Season 18 thread at NHC
5. Simpsons renewed for season 18 and 19
6. Ricky Gervais episode
7. LETS redesign (may 19, aug 6 updates)
8. New Simpsons Channel
9. Battlestar Galactica – Simpsonized
Hyvää Uutta Vuotta 2007! Happy New year 2007, everybody! (first one in Finnish -language, 2nd one in your language).
Yours, jukka
Dec 28
You have received about 300 updates in 2006 here in the Simpsons Folder about the Simpsons.