about this page
The Simpsons are featured all over the press every month and year. It’s featured on the media during the season and it’s featured even when the season is off; radio, television and magazines. Scrapbook is our feature which tries to gathers some of the glance for you to easily check. On this page you can read articles which have been published on the magazines or have been published on the internet. You can also find information regarding wonderful cast of the show plus extensive article archive from 1995 to this year, not to mention our Press Releases which can be found from here, too. We are also offering our own exclusive interviews with the Simpsons crew (animator, writer and executive producer). Unique stuff – I guarantee! By reading the interviews, it will brighten your idea shows creation process which we cover more at our Production page.
What Satellite TV (11/02)
Relax! All-new exclusice to satellite. but Homer’s got the remote.
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mr frink was also one of the heavy users of the station. hangs with comic book guy a lot.
Scr(i)pt (5/5)
Matt Groening and David X. Cohen – Creators of the Simpsons and Futurama.
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The Door (May/June 1999, 164)
The Sprinfield Blessing. An interview with Harry Shearer, voice of the Simpsons.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Simpsons Illustrated (bites)
Contains lots of photos from the production of the Simpsons and other notes.
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Joe (Vol 1, #2, 1999)
Tales from our inner lives and Homer too.
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Keyboard (January 1993)
The anatomy of scoring a TV show the Simpsons.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Seiska (Finnish language, , 2002)
Basic press story about new season and characters.
- 1
Hemma Bio (Swedish language, , 2001)
The Simpsons DVD review. Also, page 60 which features image done by Jukka. with a link on our website.
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rare character which was never used. imagine ladders and he is a climber.
Katso! (Finnish language, 1991)
First story about the Simpsons on Finnish tv magazine called Katso! from year 1991.
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Katso! (Finnish language, 1997)
Anarchy of pastel colors. The Simpsons breaks the records.
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LIKE Uutiset (Finnish language, 1996)
Tabloid type of story about the Simpsons on finnish paper.
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Northern Now (summer , 2002)
He’s no Homer – actor behind an American icon.
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IMAX ® Cyberworld 3D ad (, 2002)
The IMAX ® theathre at the Glasgow Science Centre offers most powerful film experience ever seen in Scotland.
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webmaster jukka’s wife was on the station with her dog indi.
MAD Magazine
Black and white 2 pager from the legendary MAD magazine featuring The Simpsons: A MAD Behind the Scenes of “The Simpsons” Studio.
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Wicked TXT-Talk
Scan from TXT-message book featuring the Simpsons.
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Suosikki (, 2003)
Youth magazine from Finland featuring The Simpsons.
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Hollywood Reporter (, 2003)
Special Hollywood Reporter’s 300th episode celebration issue. First three pages from the story Anatomy of the Simpsons.
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“Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky” Script
These photogarphed scans comes from the actual Simpsons scripts. There are just few pages taken from here and there just to show you what kind of script actually is. Episode ‘Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky.
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The SUN (2003)
The SimpSuns. How hapless Homer turns into topless page 3 fella.
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off the mark strips
Off the Mark Simpsons parodies by Mark Parisi.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
webmasters and his wife’s dog indi is boxer who pissed few times all over the place on the station. R.I.P.
book covers
Quite a selection of Simpsons related magazine and book covers.
- Airliners Magazine
- Animation Magazine
- Animation Magazine , 2000
- Business Start Up’s
- Cracked
- Cult Tv
- Dino
- Dynamite
- Entertainment Weekly
- Film Score
- Hollywood Reporter
- Honk!
- Joe Magazine
- Katso!
- Keyboard
- Kids Extra
- Los Angeles Times
- Life
- Mad Magazine #299, 1990
- Mad Magazine
- Mad Magazine German
- My Generation
- Newsweek 1990
- New York
- Nueva Mega Top
- Overstreet
- Game Players Enc
- Radio Times
- Rolling Stone
- El Sabado
- Home Shopping Network
- Star Wars Insider
- Television Magazine
- TV Guide 1
- TV Guide 2
- TV Guide 3
- TV Guide 4
TV Guide 5 - TV Guide 6
- TV Guide 7
- TV Guide 8
- TV Guide 9
- TV Guide 10
- TV Guide Apu
- TV Guide Barney
- TV Guide Beeman
- TV Guide Comick Book Guy
- TV Guide Dr. Hibbert
- TV Guide Ned Flanders
- TV Guide Granpa Simpson
- TV Guide Itchy & Scratchy
- TV Guide Kang
- TV Guide Krabapple
- TV Guide Krusty the Klown
- TV Guide Captain Mc Allister
- TV Guide Milhouse
- TV Guide Moe Szyslak
- TV Guide Mr. Burns
- TV Guide Professor Frink
- TV Guide Ralph Wiggum
- TV Guide Santa’s Little Helper
- TV Guide Selma Bouvier
- TV Guide Sideshow Bob
- TV Guide Principal Skinner
- TV Guide Smithers
- TV Guide Chief Wiggum
- TV Guide Willie
- Variety
- Home Satellite TV
- Windplayer
- Wizard Dec 1993
- WWF Magazine
- Box Full of Hell
- Cartooning with Simpsons
- Cartoon Studio
- Simpsons Collectibles
- Simpsons Collectibles 2
- Back of Collectibles 2
- Collecting Simpsons!
- Complete Guide of OFF
- Simpsons Dysfunctional
- The Forever Cover
- Simpson Mania
- Murder Mysteries
- Pocket Essential
- Greetings book
- Poster book
- Dark Secrets
- Simpsons DVD S1
- Go Simpsonic Cover
- Sing The Blues Cover
- SITKOS Cover
- Uncensored Family Album
- Virtual Springfield Cover
- Year 1995 calendar
- Background of 1995 cal
- Yellow Album Cover
- Harper’s ad on UK
- Sadepäivän Hupikirja
- Background of Hupikirja
- Simpsonien Joulukirja
- Background of Joulukirja
comic book guy
comic book guy loved to travel. he appeared almost every scene. seen many times on station.
- Pop Bart, 1990
- The Simpsons In Print, 1990
- Behind the Scenes, 1990
- The Simpsons In Print, 1990
- Fall TV Preview, 1991
- Look Whose Talking, 1991
- Face to Watch: Maggie, 1992
- Ullman to Fox: Eat My, 1992
- Simpsons Album, 1996
- Judge in Favor of, 1996
- Homer’s Greatest, 1996
- Kids Most Admire Bart, 1997
- Simpsons Win Peabody, 1997
- Double Play For Azaria, 1997
- Montgomery Burns, 1997
- Simpsons to Pass Flints, 1997
- How did X-Files end up, 1997
- Homeric Struggle, 1997
- Fred and Wilma, 1997
- Winner of Simpsons home, 1997
- Second drawing may, 1997
- Simpsons home still, 1997
- Celebrities celebrate, 1997
- Mr. Groening signs his, 1997
- The Sixth Simpson, 1997
- Homer comes home to, 1997
- Thousands lining up to, 1997
- Home Sweet Homer, 1997
- Cool pad or bad hang, 1997
- Lucky winner to get, 1997
- There goes the neighbo, 1997
- The Odyssey of Homer, 1998
- U2 Visits The Simpsons, 1998
- Michael Jackson wrote, 1998
- Satire still superior, 1998
- The Simpsons turn , 200, 1998
- Jacko penned Bart classic, 1998
- Simpsons Notch Emmys, 1998
- Hitting a Homer, 1998
- Simpsons Still Great, 1998
- Future perfect, 1998
- The Springfield Files, 1998
- Voices about to change?, 1998
- Bart close to returning, 1998
- Simpsons get their voices, 1998
- Elfman’s for a darkened, 1999
- Simpsons censored for, 1999
- Voice of Homer hitting, 1999
- Groening bites the hand, 1999
- Oregon may turn nuke, 1999
- This is college?, 2000
- The Simpsons come, 2000
- The Springfield connection, 2000
- The Who as season., 2000
- My life as a ten-year, 2000
- Blue hair days, 2000
- Raise your glass, 2000
- Hi honey, I’m Homer, 2000
- The Simpsons in Britain, 2000
- Simpsons come alive in., 2000
- Big-Screen Homer, 2000
- Yeardley Smith talks, 2000
- head for 12th season, 2000
- The sad, cruel world, 2000
- Simpsons fanfest att., 2000
- ‘Toonsmiths’, 2000
- The Simpsons enters 12th, 2000
- The Simpsons Turns 10, 2000
- Who gonna be killed off?, 2000
- How big is The Simpsons?, 2001
- From Dave and Goliath., 2001
- Maybe not Bible-thumpi, 2001
- The Simpsoffs, 2001
- Liberated Lisa, 2001
- A big screen Simpsons?, 2001
- What is up with The., 2001
- Keep an open mind., 2001
- Simpsons as classical., 2001
- REM talk about session, 2001
- The Simpsons goes., 2001
- Fansite applies NCAA, 2001
- DVD must for rapid fans, 2001
- Homer economics, 2001
- Religion, 2001
- Simpsons rakes in the, 2001
- Al Jean interview, 2001
- Homer’s odyssey, 2001
- Nancy Cartwright chat, 2001
- Mmm. The Simpsons, 2001
- Harry Shearer, 2002
- Simpsons Say Sorry, 2002
- Road to Homer, 2002
- Ron Taylor, 49, 2002
- Mmmm. The Simpsons, 2002
- Worst episode ever, 2002
- 10 questions: Harry Shearer, 2002
- How Ned became role, 2002
- Artistically Animated, 2002
- Producer can’t help himself, 2003
- ‘Simpsons 300th., 2003
- Behind the lines, 2003
- Actors saty loyal for the show, 2003
- Can you say Castellaneta?, 2003
- For Homer, for Bart and the rest, 2003
- ‘Simpsons’ marks No. 300, 2003
- Nobody D’ohs it better, 2003
- Becks not famous enough, 2003
- D’ohmestic Bliss, 2003
- Eternal youth keeps Simpsons fresh, 2003
- Ready, set, D’oh!, 2003
- Simpsons do Disney, 2003
- Simpsons still beating the ‘odds, 2003
- Man enjoys Simpsons hobby, 2003
- Fox nearly sued itself over Simpsons, 2003
- Writers Working on the Movie, 2004
- Simpsons cast member gives ‘More’, 2004
- a realistic view of religion in America, 2004
- Drop Profit-Share Demand, 2004
- Possible Last Simpsons Season, 2004
- Court compares boss to Simpsons villain, 2004
- Exxxcellent! Simpsons Strike Over, 2004
- The Simpsons get their voices back, 2004
- More D’oh for the Simpsons cast, 2004
- You say to-ma-to, I say to-bac-co, 2004
- Simpsons actor is an Emmy winner, 2004
- Life imitating Bart, 2004
- 31st century boy, 2004
- Groening vetoes live action ‘Simpsons’, 2004
- Bart books hospital appointment, 2004
- Do’h or die, 2004
- How ?Simpsons? Relates to Life, 2004
- ‘Simpsons’ gets local flair from animators, 2004
- Being professional, 2004
- The Simpsons will go on, 2005
- Simpsons celebrates 350th episode, 2005
- Episode postpone out of respect to late Pope, 2005
- Should The Simpsons Just Stop?, 2005
- Not Just a Pretty Voice, 2005
old man sitting in the bench a lot. often missed trains because his slow moves.
49 votes total
30 votes total
96 votes total
Lisa22 %Bart
78 %
114 votes total
Hibbert39 %Riviera
61 %
82 votes total
Marge22 %Homer
78 %
100 votes total
Lenny47 %Carl
53 %
108 votes total
Snowball II30 %Santa’s Little Helper
70 %
125 votes total
One Eye-Brow kid15 %Maggie
85 %
112 votes total
Mike Scully48 %Al Jean
52 %
65 votes total
Milhouse71 %Martin
29 %
158 votes total
Skinner44 %Krapappel
56 %
85 votes total
Lionel Hutz27 %Krusty
73 %
105 votes total
Lovejoy45 %Ned
55 %
108 votes total
Barney57 %Moe
43 %
170 votes total
Professor Frink50 %Comic Book Guy
50 %
135 votes total
Patty47 %Ned
53 %
189 total votes
Patty53 %Selma
47 %
213 total votes
South Park14 %The Simpsons
86 %
383 total votes
Season 1522 %Season 16
78 %
198 total votes
Star Wars21 %The Simpsons
79 %
302 total votes
maggied.com34 %nohomers.net
66 %
140 total votes
Yes for Simpsons movie!
92 %No for Simpsons movie!
8 %
554 total votes
new dvd cover66 %old dvd cover
34 %
133 votes total
bart simpson86 %sideshow bob
14 %
607 votes total
Ralph Wiggum67 %Hans Moleman
33 %
606 votes total
Bart55 %Homer
45 %
903 votes total
Lisa50 %Maggie
50 %
1000 votes total
…and first time ever we have a tie in our fight club between Frink and CBG which is now break after Lisa and Maggie fight. We got 1000 votes total and it was a tie. It shows how beloved these two characters on the Simpsons really are!