The Simpsons Folder

Highly informative and original fan site, offering carefully selected information about The Simpsons with special photos, drawings, graffities, videos and other intriguing bits of content you won't find elsewhere.



The Simpsons Folder : Production : 8-Bit Simpsons

Remember our past? Subway-station with Springfieldians walking thru and getting on the trains people submitted us around the world. Here they are introduced as 8-bit people. alicia alicia is webmaster of little miss springfield. appeared many times on our station…


The Simpsons Folder : Production : Lessons from the S5 DVDs

lessons Thought that it might be useful to have a thread for all of the “facts” gleaned from the DVD’s commentaries, deleted scenes and extras – as opposed to the “reviews” and “opinions” that belong in the Android’s Dungeon forum….